Hello! I am a data engineer interested in building pipelines at scale. I currently work at Thorn as a staff data engineer. I have previously worked at HP, Ford, Deepfield (Nokia), and May Mobility in a variety of roles ranging from technical consultant to software engineer. I am also the creator and sole maintainer of the Bunny Free App for PETA since 2014.

In 2016, I earned my M.S. in Computer Science from the Department of Computer Sciences at University of Wisconsin-Madison. While working on my M.S., I worked as a research assistant in the Human-Computer Interaction Lab with Dr. Bilge Mutlu studying human-robot collaboration. I earned Bachelor of Science degrees in both Computer Science and Computational Mathematics from the University of Michigan-Dearborn in 2011.

Outside of work, I enjoy maintaining my personal projects, trying new vegan recipes, spending time with my family and pets, volunteering, and reading.